“I never knew David Constantine White. I did however become slowly acquainted with him, week by week, month by month, under the glare of my desk lamp as I pored through the clay-dusted pages of his journals and studied the recollections of those friends who all played their part in David’s life. Now that I have reached the end of my journey with this intense, intelligent and sometimes withdrawn, occasionally prickly and often very funny man, I feel that I know David sufficiently well to actually miss him. In finishing this book, the overriding impression I’m left with is of an individual who had only just begun allowing himself to take life by the horns, glorying in the explosion of creative power owed to him after a lifetime of self-education and plain hard graft. In his work, he certainly left the best for last. When David departed this world his legacy was perhaps that of every true artist – he left everyone wanting more.”

The book explores David’s life and his journey as a potter and is available by following the link below.