In the summer of 1969, spurred on by his quest to discover France, David was hitchhiking in Avignon when he met a friend equally as full of youthful rebellion. David’s meeting with Martin Lesoeur was to turn into a lifetime of friendship and many “sometimes dubious, shared passions”. Through their initial travels through France the friends knew only a few words of each others mother tongues. Their ability to communicate regardless helped to forge the best of friendships which lasted for the whole of David’s lifetime.
David’s relationship with France became an adventure which underpinned his life. From autumn 1973 when David travelled to Dieppe by boat, then to Paris on foot with a sleeping bag under his arm, to Christmas 1976 in the Pyranees, the adventure took on may guises. Eventually in early 1977 David made his way back to England with ideas of starting his own pottery.